Member Benefits
Continuing Legal Education
Seminars provided membership meetings throughout the year in areas such as, family law, criminal, probate, estates, trusts, elder law, tort law, etc..
Code of Professionalism
One of the first and finest endorsed by a bar association, encouraging members to uphold the highest ideals of the profession.
Monthly NewsJournal
Award-winning NewsJournal provides articles on substantive law and procedure, news of seminars, updates on committee activities, meeting and special event information, general member news, photos of events, classified section, and other legal services.
Membership Meetings & Special Events
Business meetings, brown bag lunches, bench-to-bar panel discussions, memorial service for members, Mock Trial and Law Links Internship programs; sports leagues, community events, tournaments, special events with the District and Circuit Courts of Prince Geroge's County, Young Lawyers' events, and happy hours.
Sections and Committees
Specially structured to provide activities encompassing all aspects of the legal profession. There are committees to satisfy every member's interest -- substantive areas of law, new practitioners, member services, outreach to the community, social activities, and young lawyers. Committee members provide legal assistance to members in specified areas.
Lawyers' Lounge
The Lawyers' Lounge is located on the third floor in the Duvall Wing of the Upper Marlboro Courthouse (D-3003) and is available for use by all active members of the Bar Association. The following are a few of the benefits that are available to Bar Members: Private “attorneys only” area for use during business hours with local telephone service, wireless service, outlets for laptops, copier machine, private conference room, with conference table that seats 8-10, wall–mounted televisions with (basic) cable viewing (e.g., CNN), and a private restroom. The conference room is available for reservation on a first-come first-served basis. Reservations for the lounge will be made through the Bar Office. Bar members will receive a reduced fee for use of the conference room. (While attorneys can meet with clients in the conference room, in respect for other members, clients will not be allowed to wait inside the Attorney’s Lounge.)
Lawyer Referral Service
The LRS is to assist the public in locating lawyers for specific types of legal matters. It provides LRS members with client referrals from the public and other attorneys. The service is designed to assist anyone who wants to hire an attorney and can pay for legal services.
Courthouse Parking Permits
For PGCBA members' attorney-only parking spaces at garage in Upper Marlboro and Hyattsville.
Ethics Hotline
For advice & follow-up written ethics opinions.
Fee Disputes Arbitration
By-Law provided Committee provides resolution of fee disputes with clients.
Attorney-Client Mediation
Provided by a special committee for informal resolution of minor complaints (other than fee disputes or Attorney Grievance Commission matters).
Judicial Selections
Members provide input on candidates for judicial vacancies.
Lawyers In Need
A vital, confidential service provided in times of personal or professional crisis.
Bar Association Conference Room
Two conference rooms are vailable to members for depositions, hearings, conferences, meetings, arbitrations & mediations. The one located at the Bar Office seats 18-20 people, with WiFi, SMART TV (bring HDMI cord), and convenient parking. The other conference room is located in the Lawyers' Lounge (mention above). Contact the Bar Office to reservice either room.